Here you can upload new artworks following the instructions of iMageS. Once an artwork is uploaded there are several steps it has to go via in order to reach the final status when it can be printed. Using the software you can also follow up the current status of your artwork.
Please log in with the received user data for further options!
User manual for Uploaders
After logging in, the following 4 menus accessible:
- Upload artwork
- Processed artworks
- Artwork in process
- Artworks waiting for my approval
1. Upload artwork
This form has to be filled out each time a new artwork gets uploaded in the database.
- Title of the label: e.g. TRADENAME 5 L front label or back label or 4x5 L case label
- Select the file and upload button: transfers the artwork file from the user's computer to the server
- Type of the artwork: choose between the following categories: regular, booklet or case label
- Size of the artwork: enter size in mm, e.g. 220×140 mm
- Presentation of the artwork: select the country of the product. You can choose more.
- Artwork ID: should be unique code for each label and each label version
- Other attached documents: this optional menu lets you upload relevant files for the preparation e.g. font files, base/front label artwork of the booklet label
- Comments: enter here any relevant comments for the artwork designer
- Save: submits the uploaded files and data
Please fill separate form every different artwork, even if those belongs to one product.
Please don't upload all the labels of a product in one PDF file. Please make separate PDF files to every different label e.g. bottle label artwork should be a different PDF file as the carton box label artwork. If a product has two plastic jerry can labels e.g. a front and a back label those also have to be in different PDFs and have to fill out separate form to each one.
But if the final product will be one label you have to fill out one form even if the label artwork consists of multiple files. E.g. if you wish to put a booklet label to your product and you have the front page of the booklet label in a different file as the inside pages of the label then use the Other attached documents option to add all the files belongs to the label.
If a label version is uploaded and still valid please don't upload again to the database. Duplicate uploads will be deleted.
2., 3., 4., Lists
All uploaded artworks can be listed by the following categories:
- Processed artworks are available at the printer
- Artworks in process cannot be ordered yet, they are currently being prepared
- Artworks waiting for my approval: their preparation if finished, it should be either accepted or declined, with a comment